Mark Boynton
I was waiting, and she was late. And she got later, and she hadn't called. And literally as the screen popped up showing that there had been a major accident on Route 52, and that both north and southbound were closed, doorbell rang and knock on the door almost simultaneously. And I looked out the window and there were two police officers.
Rosendo Felipe
When I came to, I realized that I was on the ground looking up in my apartment building thinking what happened, and then I realized I couldn't move.
Hugh Gerlach
I got a strep virus and it went septic, and I ended up losing my hands and my feet.
Mark Boynton
And the world flipped upside down in that moment.
Speaker 4
The beginning of inpatient rehabilitation can be overwhelming, but we want you to know that you will get through this.
Speaker 5
We will help you get through this, and however you're feeling right now is appropriate and understandable, but also temporary.
Speaker 4
You're going to meet a team of people. Some of them will help you with your physical recovery, but others will help you with your emotional recovery.
Walter Sherwood Davis
We're a very team-oriented specialist. One person's not going to take care of everything. Especially me, the physician, I work with therapists, nurses, psychologists, social workers, speech therapists, all kinds of folks who are going to work on the different pieces. But the main message to them is, "This will get better, we're going to help you deal with these things. And that we're with you and in the process with you for the long haul."
Speaker 4
Someone from your care team will help you get dressed each morning, and escort you to your therapy sessions.
Speaker 5
You'll have at least three hours of therapy each day, and each day we'll give you a schedule for the next day's sessions.
Speaker 4
You'll need comfortable clothes and shoes with a good nonslip sole. And we encourage family members and caregivers to attend and participate in any or all of your therapy sessions.
Mark Boynton
They made it clear you have to let us do our work, but we want you to be a part of it.
Cécile Boynton
We want your input.
Mark Boynton
Yeah, we want your input. We want you here because she'll feel better with that support. And Brad and Holly, the rest of the team, they would ask me, "Okay, what does she like to do? What are the things that interest her? Because what's going to get her better is seeing that she can still do the things that she did before."
Cécile Boynton
Because of that interaction, because he had talked to them and let them know what I was interested in and what I was good at, they tailored the therapy to match those skills.
Rosendo Felipe
My recreational therapist, Carolyn, she took me out to the grocery store a couple of times. And what we practiced here in the therapy center we used out in the public, which was transferring in and out of a vehicle.
Speaker 5
Your rehab team will work with you and your family to develop a plan of care based on your individual goals. We'll also identify when we think you'll be ready to go home and review your progress in weekly meetings to make sure that all of your needs are met before then.
Hugh Gerlach
The plan of care was a good timeline for knowing when I could get out of here.
Rosendo Felipe
I felt like I was a student as well because they were actually able to take the time, sit down, and answer my questions, and also ask me questions.
Speaker 4
We know that this is a difficult time for you and your loved ones, but you are not alone. We are here to help you become as independent as possible and get you back home.
Mark Boynton
There's going to be a point where you're just done. And that's where that staff excels in coming and going. You might be done right now. That's cool. We'll pick it back up tomorrow because you're not done.
Cécile Boynton
If you come in determined to work through it no matter how hard it is, then you will get through that. It's a matter of how strong you are and how strong you feel inside.
Rosendo Felipe
Here at the rehab center, they made me feel like I was a person again, and they made me feel like I was part of a family. It didn't feel like that they were just performing a job. It felt like they actually cared about me and wanted to know about me. And really almost, there was a sweet sorrow when I left because they didn't want to see me leave, but they knew they had to see me leave. It's like they loved me enough to let me go.